Platform Bed King Easy to Assemble No Screws

A perfect guide on how to create your own bed just by purchasing the right materials.

Wooden Platform Bed By HomeMadeModern

1. Classical Platform Beds

In general, as you'll happily witness in the following list, platform bed are the new "IT." They are a new take on an old concept with a grand hippie overhaul. Minimalistic designs with a rough inlay and lifeline to nature. They manage to Segway away from the costly classical bed frame and give your room a bohemian vibe. The sort of vibe that artists and musicians breed. The sort of vibe that has an inherent reek, a pungent miasma, of sex appeal.

Although they aren't exactly a new discovery, they are, nonetheless, an ancient concept being embraced fully for the first time in Western culture. Only now, in this globalized generation, have they acquired a mainstreamed like quality on the less "exotic" shores of the US.

The classical MO of a platform bed has the following qualities:

  • A wooden pillar/platform.
  • A comfortable but not to bulky mattress.
  • A minimalistic design.
  • The natural characteristics of the wood used has to be on display.
  • The platform should rise no more than a or two foot off the ground.
  • A simple headboard.
  • Expertly constructed but on a budget.
  • NO metal. For that matter, aside from wood, a classical platform bed should shrug away from every other material.

A true artisan, a person who values the core Mother Earth philosophy of platform beds, somehow manages to slink away from screws, nails and glues. He invents creative solutions in order to finish off his primarypiece.

For the sake of this article, and because as DIY enthusiasts ourselves we are well aware of the hazards of swimming upstream with inflatable wings… of trying to grasp more than you're comfortable with, we'll give you a bit of slack and let you cheat.

2. Shogun

The Shogun

When you think platform beds two movies will likely fight for space in your brain. One: Moulin Rouge. Beatnik out on a dime romantic artists shacking up in a common room and sleeping on the floor. Two: KILL BILL. For some reason, which I simply can't put my finger on (note the sarcasm), platform beds instantly say: "ninjas, samurais, geishas, sushi, kabuki, anime, Shinto pride).

So, without further introduction, let's banzai our way into this step-by-step.

a. Materials

  • Enter the Dragon, Kill Bill, The Last Samurai, Iwo Jima, Seven Samurais, etc. Inspirational pieces to get your juices flowing.
  • Sake and strong Japanese beer.
  • A buzzsaw or, if you have the whole year, a katana to cut the wood… For that matter, start going around to your neighbor's houses and asking if they'll lend you any woodworking tools they have… you'll need them all. Use the katana if they start giving you grief.
  • Wood Glue.
  • Clamps
  • Coating for the headboard.

b. Tips/Instructions

  • Get help. It's a toughie so scrounge up all your friends.
  • Don't bolt the headboard until you're satisfied with it's look. Give it as many coats of paint as needed.

3. The Cheapie Classic

The Cheapie Classic

We already touched the Japanese primarypiece, now, as far as platform beds are concerned, we will have no other choice but to play with the other-side of the coin. Drumroll please… the under 20 bucks, my diet consists of Ramen and steamed potatoes, jobbie.

a. Materials

  • Wood, whatever you find lying about in your neighborhood.
  • A box of premium 3 1/2 inch screws.

b. Tips/Instructions

  • The trick to getting this done is being creative.
  • Splurge on the screws. They are the glue that will hold your rickety jalopy together.
  • Cruise around town. Trust me someone will be tossing out planks of wood. The nifty bit about this bead is the fact that you are recycling, aside from saving money.

4. The Wooden Primarypiece

Conserving it's minimalistic outtake and core, Jordan Crawford manages to tweak the critical points of a platform bed and give it Western spin; gifting its with a more durable and sturdier aspect.

a. Materials

  • Your school's wood shop. If you once saw a carpenter look at it with longing that you'll need it, so start calling your friends.
  • Patience
  • A working, more than passable knowledge of woodworking.

b. Tips/Instructions

  • Buy the plans at:
  • Watch and memorize the 3 part DIY video series.
  • Work the wood; sand that puppy till' it gleams.

5. Classical Twin Bed Frame on a Student's Budget

Classical Twin Bed Frame on a Student's Budget

If there was a Proto-platform bed out there, a poster boy from which all other platform beds divided away from, then this would be it. It's an absolutely simple construction. It highlights the natural qualities of the wood (to the point that, aside from sanding, the artist doesn't work the plank any other way). The craftsman doesn't treat with any sort of chemical (paints, oils, waterproofing) the frame… The key being "Natural."

a. Materials

  • Two wood frames (48×40)
  • Basic paintbrush.
  • Wood stain.
  • sand paper.
  • An hour or two.

b. Tips/Instructions

  • Go to your local Home Depot and buy cheap. It really shouldn't cost you more than 30 bucks.
  • Paint and let dry overnight.
  • Try not to fall in love with the presenter.

6. Wooden Platform Bed By HomeMadeModern

Wooden Platform Bed By HomeMadeModern

If there was a Proto-platform bed out there, a poster boy from which all other platform beds divided away from, then this would be it. It's an absolutely simple construction. It highlights the natural qualities of the wood (to the point that, aside from sanding, the artist doesn't work the plank any other way). The craftsman doesn't treat with any sort of chemical (paints, oils, waterproofing) the frame… The key being "Natural."

a. Materials

  • 75" Long pieces of 2×4.
  • Pine Board (length and width depends on your matters size and how much of a landing you're in the mood for).
  • 1×10 Pine Board for the headboard.
  • Sander
  • Buzzsaw
  • Precision cutter.
  • Drill

b. Tips/Instructions

  • It's a fairly easy design, but if your want to do it even simpler then have the boards pre-cut – and if possible sanded – at your local hardware store or lumber yard.
  • Buy two extra 2×4 the width (minus five inches on each side) of your mattress. Incredibly helpful when assembling the structure and giving your bed that girth and support that's essential.

7. Contemporary

The nice thing about contemporary, dare I say, modern platform beds is the fact that it is all about free-form. It's fun because your product or construction hangs on your creative outflow, and, above all, the effort you're willing to invest in the project.

For example here's a quick free DIY.

1- Toss three sheets of uncut plywood onto the floor.

2- Top the sheets with a mattress.

Ta-da! You have just build a platform bed. Contact me for the blue-prints. They are a steal at 20 bucks per download.

8. Modern Platform bed with 3 Power Tools

Modern Platform bed with 3 Power Tools

The cool thing about this DYI is that fact that Jessie managed to make it with only 3 power-tools. Nothing more and nothing else. Just a circular saw, a drill and a sander.

a. Materials

  • 3/4" plywood.
  • Circular saw.
  • Drill
  • Sander
  • Clamps
  • Wood Glue.
  • Box of 1 1/4" Screws.
  • Polycrilic
  • IKEA Shelf Brackets.

Related: 18 Different Types of Lumber

 b. Tips/Instructions

  • Cut part of the 3/4" plywood at your local hardware store.
  • Check out the step-by-step at:
  • Sand until it's as smooth as a baby's behind.

9. Modern Platform Frame

Modern Platform Frame

The reason why this little beauty wasn't included with the classics is mostly on account of the fact that it looks like a cross between a normal bed-frame and a platform bed. The artist manages to keep the natural aesthetics linked with platform beds while giving it that feel and height that is so ingrained with modern bed frames.

a. Materials

  • 1 sheet of A/B Pine Plywood.
  • 1×2 and 1×4 Select Pine for Trim.
  • 8 2″ metal angle brackets.
  • Minwax Wood Conditioner.
  • Minwax Dark Walnut Stain.
  • Minwax Clear Satin Wipe-on Poly

b. Tips/Instructions

  • Study the measurements and instructions at
  • Have your local hardware store cut the plywood's strips. As the artist, in hindsight confesses: "If I were to do this project again, I would have the people at Lowe's of home depot cut the three 9″ plywood strip on their panel saw. It'll make things a lot faster and squarer."
  • Before you assemble try to distinguish and mark off each and every strip.

10. Platform Bed with Floating Night Stands and LED

Platform Bed with Floating Night Stands and LED

This is a "Players" platform bed. Full of hidden compartments, floating nightstands, USB ports and electrical chord chargers, a smashing LED light at the top and even a few embedded bulbs.

a. Materials

  • A professional's knowledge of working wood.
  • The wisdom of knowing how to play with electricity and not get zapped in the process.
  • Tools; the usual.
  • USB port and chord charger.
  • Danish oil.
  • Black Paint.
  • If possible a circular saw set-up.
  • Clamps
  • LED strips.
  • Power chords.
  • Hot glue gun.
  • Outlets and electrical setup.
  • Transformers
  • Plug lamps.
  • Pine wood.

b. Tips/Instructions

  • Get help. The headboard alone is one heavy piece to install.
  • Construct pieces someplace else and assemble in the room.
  • Buy instructions:


The IKEA Hack

If Pallets are a DIY's dream tool, then IKEA might as well be a DYI's paradise. There are certain codes in the DIY game world, tricks to get a round certain obstacles, and IKEA is akin to the all-mighty cheat code. The all mighty cheat code that grants you eternal lives and Max-XP points. With a bit a creativity any DIY worth his salt is liable to make truly amazing things pulling apart and reconstructing any IKEA product.

a. Materials

  • Seven standard kitchen Cabinets from IKEA.
  • Lumber
  • Paneling
  • Carpet
  • Knobs

b. Tips/Instructions

  • Buy the blueprints:
  • It's a costly job, about 600 bucks.
  • Don't cheap out on the wood. Buy materials that will withstand the passage of time

12. Queen Size Platform Bed with Drawers

Queen Size Platform Bed with Drawers

The attractive bit, the draw of this construct, is the fact that you could basically house your whole wardrobe within its frame.

a. Materials

  • Plywood and two-by-fours.
  • Orbital sander.
  • Glue gun.
  • Buzzsaw
  • Drill
  • Swanky numbs for the drawers.
  • Paint

b. Tips/Instructions

  • I know I say it a lot, but trust me, try to have as much of it precut by professionals.
  • Use speed square to help keep the plumb while screwing on the pocket holes.
  • Buy the plans:
  • Read the step-by-step tutorial:

13. The Oprah Winfrey Approved platform bed

The Oprah Winfrey Approved platform bed

You know it's good if it has Oprah's seal of approval. With nothing more than a few basic shelving units and a couple of 2x4s, you can avoid overpaying for a manufactured project that's liable to really put your wallet in a bind.

a. Materials

  • Four shelving units.
  • 16 Wicker Baskets.
  • Drill
  • Box of screws.
  • a dozen or more 2×4.
  • Buzzsaw

b. Tips/Instructions

  • The closer the 2x4s, the better. It increases stability.
  • Don't cheap-out on the shelving units. But strong ones.

14. Pallet Bed Frame

Pallet Bed Frame

There is nothing in the world more modern, more millennial and more invasive right now than Pallets. They are everywhere. As such, in this reusable – let's conserve energy and resources – generation, they have easily become the Holy Grail of all DIYs.

a. Materials

  • Plywood and two-by-fours (if you want to construct a pallet).
  • Three to four pallets.
  • Screws
  • Drills

b. Tips/Instructions

You can either start from scratch. Build what is no-doubt being flung onto the street at your local yard or, deconstruct a pallet and reinforce it for your mattress. Dealer's choice.


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